
by Orlando Lovell, interdisciplinary designer
Last week was the first week we were asked to stay home, in Berlin. Gradually the shops shut, people became few and far between. The streets eased in the otherwise bustling centre of Germany's capital city. Subconsciously I went to my cookbooks, and without much contemplation, took my very first cookbook out "The Children's Step-By-Step Cook Book" by Angela Wilkes. I have only ever truely followed one recipe, the basic chocolate chip cookie recipe, but that was all I needed. Butter, sugar, flour, vanilla, and chocolate chips brought me back to a routine from by teenage years, when I first started baking for school friends. At the time I only made pancakes and cookies. One type of each. But that was the beginning of my baking career, which has now grown to include cakes, as well as exhibitions.

Going back to the first ever recipe I used is certainly a comfort, even though I feel I have never been able to make them as good as they used to be, perhaps that's just my memory and nostalgia playing tricks on me.

Scroll down para receita em português
First I mix 115g butter with 70g white and 70g soft brown sugar - often I find I don't have brown sugar in the cupboard and will just double the white.
Once combined, I crack in one egg, after which I slowly add 140g flour, mixed with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda.
Once all is mixed well, I chop up between 100g and 200g of chocolate, this time I found some ginger and almond chocolate, as well as some milk and dark chocolate leftovers, which I combined. Spooning small mounds onto a baking tray, leaving plenty of space between, I usually watch 6 cookies melt and crisp up for 10 minutes in a 190ºC oven.

I placed all cookies in a tin once cooled and have been slowly treating myself to one every now and then throughout the week. But it's never been about the eating for me, my comfort lies in the ritual, the measuring, the patience and the adaptation to what is available. Baking is a precise art, you can't give into your feelings too much, as it requires focus and consistency. A sweet ritual in times of change.

Receita em PT


115g de manteiga amolecida
70g de açúcar branco
70g de açúcar mascavado escuro
1 ovo
140g de farinha sem fermento
1 colher de chá de açúcar baunilhado
1 colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
Pitada de sal
100g a 200g de chocolate picado

Como fazer

Na batedeira, misturo 115g de manteiga com 70g de açúcar branco e 70g de açúcar mascavado — caso não tenham açúcar mascavado, substituam com branco!
Entretanto, misturo a farinha com o açúcar baunilhado, pitada de sal e a colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio numa taça. 
Quando homogéneo, parto um ovo e misturo, e lentamente adiciono o conteúdo da taça da farinha.
Assim que tudo estiver bem misturado, parto o chocolate em pedaços pequenos, e envolvo. Com uma colher pequena, faço pequenos montinhos com a massa de bolachas, e levo ao forno por 10 minutos, a 190ºC.  
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